This article will cover the three Google Core Web Vitals ranking factors that Google uses in its Core Web Vitals software testing program. I will minimize as much technical jargon as possible so that a layperson can grasp Core Web Vitals’ impact on their page ranking.
Google Core Web Vitals: What are They?
Google is the largest search engine company in the world.
Google’s search algorithms are a complex set of hundreds of mathematical tools determining where everyone’s web writings (content) “rank” on all searches.
Every few months, Google “tweaks” these algorithms in an attempt to:
- Improve the user’s experience (UX)
- Better “Rank” the Search Links Returned on a Search
Every 1-2 years, Google does a major update to their search ranking algorithms. In May 2021, the next major update is to occur. Like a new king coming to power in olden times, the companies and individuals responsible for SEO begin to “shake in their boots”—at least a little. All the complicated SEO work they have done to get their client’s pages ranked on Page 1 may “go up in smoke.” This update is referred to as Google Core Web Vitals.
SEO: What is SEO, and Why is it Important?
SEO is short for “Search Engine Optimization.” A person responsible for SEO uses their writing skills and several software tools in their work. They generally create content, writing, and images to create the best “User Experience” (UX). One example of content might be a guide on “How to Paint My House.” An article that uses:
- Great content to answer this search
- Is well marketed to be “discovered” by hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of searchers
It might be “rewarded” by search engines like Google and Bing and appear after a few months, weeks, or even days on Page 1 of such a search. If your content cannot be “found” on Page 1 in an investigation, the odds of it being “read” are near zero!
Google’s Ranking Algorithms: What Items do they Consider in Ranking for Google Core Web Vitals?
There are over 200 items that Google considers when ranking a web page. I will cover all 200 things that we believe in another article. We cannot be 100% sure what these 200+ ranking items are, but SEO experts have experimented enough over the years to make an educated guess. This article will cover the three core web vitals that Google has warned us about, which are coming in May 2021.
What are Google Core Web Vitals?
In May 2021, Google is set to roll out its next major algorithm update. We know this is big because they have warned SEO experts that it’s been coming for over a year. Google Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics related to speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. Google has defined these as the Core Web Vitals:
- Largest Contentful Paint: The time a page’s primary content takes to load. An ideal LCP measurement is 2.5 seconds or faster. Needs Improvement is more significant than 2.5 to 4.0 seconds. Poor is a value greater than 4.0 seconds.
- First Input Delay: The time it takes for a page to become interactive. An ideal FID measurement is less than 100 ms. Needs Improvement is an FID value of greater than 100ms to 400ms. Poor is a value greater than 400 milliseconds.
- Cumulative Layout Shift: The unexpected layout shifts of visual page content. An ideal CLS measurement is less than 0.10. The need for improvement is 0.11 to 0.25. Poor is a value greater than 0.25.
What is Google’s Position on Core Web Vitals?
Google states:
“Google Core Web Vitals is a set of real-world, user-centered metrics that quantify key aspects of the user experience. They measure dimensions of web usability such as load time, interactivity, and content stability.”
“For Google Core Web Vitals, a good page experience doesn’t override having great, relevant content. However, in cases where multiple pages have similar content, page experience becomes much more important for visibility in search.”
Content quality is still of vital importance! Having crap content but a perfect Core Web Vitals score is not going to get you onto Page 1 of a search!
How Do I Measure Core Web Vitals?
To measure Google Core Web Vitals, a variety of tools are available:
- Google Search Console
- Google PageSpeed Insights
- Lighthouse
- Google Chrome DevTools
- Google Chrome UX Report
When Should My Website Be Ready for Google Core Web Vitals?
As stated, this new ranking algorithm was rolled out in May 2021. Depending on when you “discovered” my article, you have as little as two weeks to “It’s Already Happened!”
If you like, you can start by talking with your SEO expert about where you are currently ranking on the key search terms on your web pages. If you’re not on Page 1, you have work to do.
Use Google PageSpeed Insights to see how each web page performs—not just your home page! For any web page that is “Not in the Green” for the “Mobile 3G” tests, you need to fix the reasons why immediately. Google is 100% focused on the mobile experience, so don’t worry about the desktop results until mobile is “in the green.”
These are just the two “low-hanging fruit” items to prepare for Google Core Web Vitals.
When Should My Website Be Ready for Google Core Web Vitals?
As stated, this new ranking algorithm will roll out in May 2021. Depending on when you “discovered” my article, you have as little as two weeks to “It’s Already Happened!”
If you like, you can start by talking with your SEO expert about where you are currently ranking on the key search terms on your web pages. If you’re not on Page 1, you have work to do.
Use Google PageSpeed Insights to see how each web page performs—not just your home page! For any web page that is “Not in the Green” for the “Mobile 3G” tests, you need to fix the reasons why immediately. Google is 100% focused on the mobile experience, so don’t worry about the desktop results until mobile is “in the green.” These are just the two “low-hanging fruit” items to start with.
Updating my website to be ready for Google Core Web Vitals sounds complicated for my skill level. Can you help?
We agree that getting your website ready for this significant Google SEO ranking change can seem daunting. We presume you don’t have an SEO expert on your team, so no worries!
We “eat SEO” every day for our clients. We aim to get you onto and keep you on Page 1 for your keywords. We need you to understand that getting onto Page 1 for any search is hard. It can also take weeks (typical) and sometimes months (high competition keywords), but we can help you figure out how to win.
Reach out to us at IdeaToGrowth.com, and we can help!
“Helping You Build Your Business Stronger!” is our motto.
I want to prove my value to “Helping You Grow Your Business Stronger!” by offering a 100% free Google SEO pagerank analysis. Could you share your homepage URL (domain name) and the email to which I should send your 100% free report? Within a day or two, I’ll point out the top items on your business website that cost you customers.
If you’re ready for an F2F Zoom chat or want to ask a quick question by email, click the appropriate link below.
Kenneth Ervin Young, CEO
Idea To Growth LLC
Digital Marketing and Website Agency