Building a website starts with a “Website Mockup.” The first part of every mockup should be creating the list of pages that your website “Must-Have.
From my experience, over 95% of websites are missing several of these “Must-Have” pages.
My question to you is, “How Many Must-Have Web Pages are You Missing? It’s Time to Do a New Website Mockup!
Page 1: Home Page [Website Mockup]
OK, pretty much everyone who has a website has a Home Page. The Home Page is the easiest of my list of ten “Must-Have” web pages to get right.
The “Above the Fold” area of the Home Page is the most critical. This part of the home page and every page must contain the “right content” to keep your visitor interested so they will scroll down the page. Screw it up, and your visitor will “bounce” to another page. You’ve just lost a potential customer.
Want to know what your content should be on your Homepage? Contact Us for a 100% FREE Chat!
Page 2: Service or Product Page [Website Mockup]
Surprisingly, many websites do not have a Service or Product Page Summary. Many websites skip this and shove all of this information onto their Home Page.
Don’t do this!
Think like Amazon. If you search Amazon, it brings you back a “list” of matching products. A list of products, not a single product. Your website needs a page that does the same thing.
Even if you are starting and only have a single product or service, you should have plans for additional ones. Add them to this page with a “Coming Soon!” banner. It makes you look more significant to visitors, which will increase your sales.
Please take a look at our Services page as an example starting point for creating your own.
Page 3: Dedicated Service or Product Page [Website Mockup]
Ok, now keep thinking just like Amazon. The dedicated service or product page is where you list all of the specifics for each product or service.
Think long-range and plan out a standard format. Look at a few Amazon product pages. There is a standard format.
Your service or product page should be similar. After all, Amazon has tons of data to know what layout and content “work” for their customers.
Please take a look at our Services page as an example starting point for creating your own.
Page 4: About Us Page [Website Mockup]
Many, if not most, people like to know from whom they buy. Sharing a bit about your team and company is what the About Us Page is all about.
The About Us page should “tell your story. Many will show a picture of their entire team. Often there will be an image of upper management members. Other times a team image will link to a separate Team page.”
Please look at our About Us Page as an example starting point for creating your own.
Page 5: Privacy Policy Page [Website Mockup]
The Privacy Page is one of the pages that I estimate exists on fewer than 10% of websites.
The Privacy Page is a legal document. I am not a lawyer, so nothing I say here on this article or within this website should be considered to be legal advice.
The prior sentence is a “Disclaimer,” which is another legal term. Similar disclaimers should be part of, or a separate document, referenced in your Privacy Document.
Each country has its legal requirement for Privacy rights. Individual states may have their legal twists layered on top.
Europe has GDPR, which is about privacy rights. I’m not living in Europe, so I’m not going even to attempt to explain GDPR.
The bottom line is Privacy Rights is serious stuff. Privacy is an item that is worth having written by a lawyer. I did. Cost me USD 27. If you’re in business, you need to spend the money. Feel free to study mine. You can even copy it and send it to your lawyer for “Review.” A legal “Review” is often a lot cheaper than asking a lawyer to create a document for you.
My Privacy Policy Page includes the following sections:
- Privacy Policy
- Personal Information We Collect
- We collect Device Information Using The Following Technologies:
- We Use Device Information For:
- The Provided Information We
- Collect May Include:
- How We Use & Share Your Personal Information
- How We Store Your Data
- Email Marketing
- Behavioral Advertising
- Your Data Protection Rights
- Third-party Websites
- Registration
- Orders
- Changes
- Complaints
- Contact Us
I’m not a lawyer, so I found a lawyer to write my various legal documents related to my business. I use Artful Contracts for my website’s legal documents. To get a 10% discount off their already meager prices, click this Artful Contracts link. As a disclosure, I will get a small affiliate fee for this referral, but remember, I’m saving you money, and it helps me bring this website to you. Thank you for your help!
Please look at our Privacy page as an example starting point for creating your own.
Page 6: Terms and Conditions Page (aka: Terms of Use) [Website Mockup]
Terms and Conditions is where YOU set the rules for your requirement for anyone who visits your website.
It might include language around visitors who make comments on your posts. Rules around the age a visitor must visit the website (think wine and liquor websites).
Again, this may be a page best made by a lawyer.
My Terms and Conditions Page includes the following sections:
- Terms And Conditions Of Use
- Privacy Policy
- Disclaimer
- Use Of The Website
- Ada Compliance – Web
- Content Accessibility
- Lawful Purposes
- Use Of Free Downloadable
- Content
- Material You Submit To The Website
- Our Intellectual Property
- Changed Terms
- Warranties
- Limitation Of Liability
- Availability
- Malicious Code
- Security
- Third-party Resources
- Indemnification
- Effect Of Headings;
- Severability
- Entire Agreement; Waiver
- Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Mediation
- All Rights Reserved
- Contact Information
I’m not a lawyer, so I found a lawyer to write my various legal documents related to my business. I use Artful Contracts for my website’s legal documents. To get a 10% discount off their already meager prices, click this Artful Contracts link. As a disclosure, I will get a small affiliate fee for this referral, but remember, I’m saving you money, and it helps me bring this website to you. Thank you for your help!
Please take a look at our Terms and Conditions page (also called “Terms of Use“) as an example starting point for creating your own.
Page 7: Disclaimer Page [Website Mockup]
I am not a lawyer, so nothing I say here on this article or within this website should be considered to be legal advice.
The prior sentence is a “Disclaimer,” which is another legal term. Similar disclaimers should be part of, or a separate document, referenced in your Privacy Document.
On my websites, the Disclaimer Page is in a separate document referenced in my Privacy Page.
My Disclaimer Page includes the following sections:
- For Educational And
- Informational Purposes Only
- External Links
- Not Legal Advice
- Not Tax Advice
- Health & Fitness
- Not Professional Advice
- No Professional-client
- Relationship
- User’s Personal
- Responsibility
- No Guarantees
- Errors And Omissions
- Testimonials
- Reviews
- Affiliate Links
- No Endorsements
- Earnings Disclaimer
- Contact Us
I’m not a lawyer, so I found a lawyer to write my various legal documents related to my business. I use Artful Contracts for my website’s legal documents. To get a 10% discount off their already meager prices, click this Artful Contracts link. As a disclosure, I will get a small affiliate fee for this referral, but remember, I’m saving you money, and it helps me bring this website to you. Thank you for your help!
Please look at our Disclaimer page as an example starting point for creating your own.
Page 8: Contact Us Page [Website Mockup]
The Contact Us Page is another page that is often missing from most websites.
An adequately created Contact Us Page has two parts.
The first is a form in which the visitor can enter at least their email address.
Optional information can include a phone number, first and last name, and address. These form fields usually should be made “optional” (not required) in the form check. The reason is that the more information you request, the fewer “leads” will complete the form.
Embedding the Contact Us information or form on the About Us Page is common (another Must-Have page we haven’t gotten to yet).
Sometimes the Contact Us information is only in the shared Footer on every page. (While it’s OK to put the business address, email, phone, and a map link in the footer, don’t put the Contact Us Form in the footer.)
I’ve seen the Contact Us Form only as a popup!
Don’t do any of these methods!
Put your Contact Us Page on a page to itself.
The Right Way(s) to do a Contact Us Page
First, the Contact Us page should exist as a dedicated page.
Second, it should contain the following:
A Form with at least one field – an Email field – for the visitors’ email address so they can email you with questions.
- Your Business Address
- Your Mailing Address (only if different)
- Business Email ([email protected])
- Phone Number
- Business Days & Hours (M-F 9 am to 5 pm)
- Map Image of your business location, linked to Google Maps.
You can use any form of tool to create one like mine. If you use Gutenberg to build your pages (best way to go for FAST page available speeds!) I recommend the accessible version of Fluent Forms.
If you use Elementor, their included form tool works equally as well.
Be sure to set up reCAPTCHA V3 to stop email spam. I have a video coming showing you how to set it up.
Please look at our Contact Us page as an example starting point for creating your own.
Page 9: Pricing Page [Website Mockup]
Having a Pricing Page is sometimes a controversial topic.
If you sell a physical product, there is usually no issue with putting your price on each product page. Your competition does, so you must.
If you sell a “Service,” there are sometimes different perspectives.
Some people will say, “Never! I need to talk to the lead to close the sale.”
Others, including myself, don’t want to waste time speaking with folks who would never pay my rates.
People pay for a “Problem to be Solved” – Period.
The “Value” (the amount they will pay) for their problem to be solved varies by:
- an individual’s financial capability to afford your service
- their national and state locality
- their level of urgency
- the “Trust” they have in a particular vendor to “Solve their Problem.”
- The first two you have no control over. The average person in Ukraine is not going to pay New York.
You can sometimes influence their level of urgency, depending on the product or service you sell.
What you can do is “build Trust” with a prospect or lead.
Many Prospects will never reach out to a vendor that “Does Not List Prices On Their Website.” There is an automatic assumption that if a vendor does not list prices, their prices are outrageously high.
Sadly, this is usually the case.
If your business caters to a clientele that pays top dollar for everything, you can skip the Price Page. Likely your competitors do not have a Price Page.
For the rest of us, keep reading.
I have a pricing page for my services. Each service page has a price listed.
As I sell services, you will see that most of my prices say “Starting at” or “from,” followed by the price. The “Starting at” price filters out the prospects that fall into the first two categories mentioned.
99% of my Prospects that become Clients do not pay the “Starting at” price. Their “Problem” they need to be solved does not match the price I charge for their Solution.
By the time I get to my price for their solution, I’ve had the time to build additional “Trust” beyond what my website has created to get the Prospect to reach out to me.
This method is a good balance of eliminating unqualified Prospects and not losing potential Clients due to pricing.
Please look at our Prices page as an example starting point for creating your own.
Page 10: Gallery / Portfolio Page [Website Mockup]
Every business, whether product or service-based, needs a Gallery Page.
I estimate less than 1% of websites do. Why?
Mainly because that look at their competitors, and none of them do.
Your business should have a Gallery / Portfolio Page.
If you are a service business, this page will showcase images of your work product. For example, our Portfolio page showcases images of websites we built and posts we have written.
If your work product is intangible, it could be logos of some of your better-known clients with a written snippet of how you helped solve their problem.
If you sell products, this page might contain some of your higher volume products with a customer quote next to each about how it solved their problem.
Please look at our Portfolio page as an example starting point for creating your own.
Page 11: Blog [Website Mockup]
The last page every website must have is a Blog. I estimate over half of all websites have a Blog in their navigation.
However, most of those have few blog posts.
Sadly, most blog posts display the posting date and the dates or months or even years old!
Remember, blog posts are the #1 way of generating “Recurring Organic (FREE) Prospects!”
When you write, write 99% of your posts to be “Evergreen.” An evergreen article means that its content is usually as relevant today as when you first wrote it.
Remove all date references displayed related to all blog posts.
If a visitor sees a date that is months or weeks old, they will usually not read it. They feel the content is “Old,” so your writings can not possibly help them solve their problem.
Write about Solutions to Common Problems that each of your Products or Services solve.
Conclusion: Website Mockup – 11 Must-have Web Pages!
I hope you found this article helpful as you look at creating or updating your website. Having these eleven web pages will make you stand out from much of your competition.
I want to prove my value to “Helping You Grow Your Business Stronger!” by offering a 100% free Google SEO pagerank analysis. Could you share your homepage URL (domain name) and the email to which I should send your 100% free report? Within a day or two, I’ll point out the top items on your business website that cost you customers.
Search Engine Optimize your website to maximize your Search Engine Results Pages Ranking.
Check your website to improve User eXperience and increase their time-on-page.
Check your website to minimize page open times on users phone, laptop, and desktop devices.
Check your website security to keep you and your users safe when visiting or making purchases.
Check your website for its social media optimization to helmaximize visitors.
If you’re ready for an F2F Zoom chat or want to ask a quick question by email, click the appropriate link below.
Kenneth Ervin Young, CEO
Idea To Growth LLC
Digital Marketing and Website Agency